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Tecno-prodotti. Creati nuovi sensori triboelettrici nel laboratorio di sensoristica al NOI Techpark
I wearable sono dispositivi ormai imprescindibili nel settore sanitario e sportivo: un mercato in crescita a livello globale che ha bisogno di fonti di energia alternative e sensori affidabili, economici e sostenibili. Il laboratorio Sensing Technologies Lab della Libera Università di Bolzano (unibz) al Parco Tecnologico NOI Techpark ha realizzato un prototipo di dispositivo indossabile autoalimentato che soddisfa tutti questi requisiti. Un progetto nato grazie alla collaborazione con il Center for Sensing Solutions di Eurac Research e l’Advanced Technology Institute dell’Università del Surrey.

Gesunde Böden dank Partizipation der Bevölkerung: unibz koordiniert Citizen-Science-Projekt ECHO
Die Citizen-Science-Initiative „ECHO - Engaging Citizens in soil science: the road to Healthier Soils" zielt darauf ab, das Wissen und das Bewusstsein der EU-Bürger:innen für die Bodengesundheit über deren aktive Einbeziehung in das Projekt zu verbessern. Mit 16 Teilnehmern aus ganz Europa - 10 führenden Universitäten und Forschungszentren, 4 KMU und 2 Stiftungen - wird ECHO 16.500 Standorte in verschiedenen klimatischen und biogeografischen Regionen bewerten, um seine ehrgeizigen Ziele zu erreichen.

Erstversorgung: Drohnen machen den Unterschied
Die Ergebnisse einer Studie von Eurac Research und der Bergrettung Südtirol liegen vor.

Parkinson: significativo passo avanti nella conoscenza dei fattori di rischio
Uno studio determina che il gene RIT2 ha un ruolo protettivo
Book of the week

An overview of contents with abstracts of all chapters and CVs of contributing authors as well as an extended reading sample can be downloaded from the book's official webpage: On the Interplay of Images Imaginaries and Imagination in Science Communication | Casa editrice Leo S. Olschki
On the Interplay of Images, Imaginaries and Imagination in Science Communication
Casa editrice Leo S. Olschki
The dynamics of images, imaginaries, and imagination play a crucial role - in academic as well as public discourses! What essential relations exist between different expressive forms and thought patterns? How can we understand the principles determining the ways in which their dynamics take effect - in the practice of scientists and engineers, and at their interfaces with politics, economy, culture, and the public? Which options do we have to make good use of our insights?
Despite the diversity of topics, all contributions to this volume share a common interest: to raise our awareness and understanding of the generative capacities of these processes. Exploring this prolific interplay is of utmost importance for expanding our ability to identify emerging opportunities, create future perspectives, and assess the societal consequences of scientific and technological developments. Regarding the system of academic disciplines, the selection of text contributions covers an extensive range. It includes topics, approaches, and knowledge claims from social sciences and humanities, as well as from natural sciences and engineering, and even from medicine, design, and the arts.